Luminate 2021 is Oregon’s premiere education and competition event! This year, the programming will span over 3 days and registration is open to everyone. Sessions will be offered over Zoom. Centered around the our Annual Open Image Competition we will be joined by many nationally-recognized experts to help you raise the bar on both your craft and business. Each session will be about 2 hours. For more detailed information on sessions, please click on the speakers headshot.
PPA’s Board of Directors & Council have temporarily allowed us to merit virtual events. The attendee requirements are as follows:
- Attendees must attend the virtual event via the live stream of the event-no merits can be given to attendees who watch a recording of the event
- Attendees must attend 6.5 hours of education or more in order to be eligible for their merit. If the event is a State Annual Convention/Conference/Meeting, this 6.5 hours can be split up between 2-3 consecutive days
Luminate will be offered ONLINE ONLY in 2021.
Friday, November 12th
10AM The Power of Personal Photography
When We Know Better, We Do Better
Chris Richman M.Photog.,M.Artist,Cr.,
Anne-Marie Shumate
M.Photog., CPP

Imagination Portraits
Brad Barton
Saturday, November 13th
The Annual OPPA Open Image Competition is open to members and non-members. This is a fantastic opportunity to get your images critiqued by highly experienced judges. Join us in Club 79, co-hosted online by Aaron Hockley, M. Photog.Cr., FP-OR, HFP-OR and Danyel Rogers where you can watch the competition and share your experiences in an online social setting. What a better way to express your feelings of joy, excitement, or even frustration than with your fellow artists. Competition Judges: Kimberly Smith, Kari Douma, Michael Mowbray, Michael Barton and Joan Genest.
Please check out some of our Competition Tips:
The Competition will open for entries on October 14th.
Sunday, November 14th
10AM Putting The 'Business' Back Into Your Photography Business
The Magic of Search Engine Optimization
David Hakamaki Cr.Photog.
Colby McLemore
M.Photog.Cr., CPP

Slow Photography
Jennifer Renwick
If you have questions about Luminate '21, please contact Vice President, Teresa Hunt.