CPP – What to Know and Where to Start
In this class, April Kroenke, CPP Liaison & Bryan Welsh, CPP Liaison will walk you through the journey to earning your certification as a professional photographer.
We will go through the two-step process from what to study for on the written exam, the requirements and electives for the portfolio review, along with lighting & posing demonstration and tips.
So if you want to take that big step toward earning your certification, this is the class for you.
About the Instructors:
April Kroenke, M. Photog., Cr., CPP, AFP-OR

April is recognized for her simple yet modern photography to both her clients and peers worldwide. From beauty shoots to family pictures, high school senior portraits to personal branding, she is able to provide her clients with photography for every avenue of their lives. April has taught several PPA Super One Days and many classes offered through Oregon PPA.
She is a juror in training with the Oregon Professional Photographers Association.
She has received numerous merits and awards in image competition on both a local and national level to include - PPA Loan Collections, Best 1st Time Entrance Award, & Judge’s Choice Award. April was also named the Military Spouse Photographer of the Year for 2016 & 2017 from the National Military Family Association.
April has her Masters of Photography and Photographic Craftsman Degrees from PPA and is Certified Professional Photographer (CPP) from Professional Photographers of America.
Currently April serves as the Finance Director of the Oregon Professional Photographers Association.
Bryan Welsh, M. Photog., Cr., CPP, API, FP-OR

Bryan Welsh, a second-generation photographer, is recognized for his creative stylized journalistic photography to both his clients and peers. Bryan has taught at the Professional Photographers of America national convention IUSA, PPA Super One Days and to State and Local PPA photography affiliates across the country.
He is an approved juror with the Oregon Professional Photographers Association and has taught classes on image competition as well. Bryan takes pride in helping aspiring photographers and enjoys following their successes in competition.
He has received numerous merits and awards in image competitions on both a local and national level that include - PPA Loan Collections, Fuji MASTERPIECE Awards and Kodak Gallery Awards. His images and articles have appeared in Studio Photography and PPA Professional Photographer magazine(s) as well as used in Nikon's National advertising.
Bryan has the Maters of Photography & Photographic Craftsman Degree from Professional Photographers of America (M. Photog., Cr.), is a Certified Professional Photographer (CPP), has the Fellow of Photography Degree from the Oregon Professional Photographers Association (FP-OR) and is a member of the American Society of Photographers (ASP). Bryan also holds the status of an Approved Photographic Instructor (API) from PPA and has over 100 speaking merits (EDU100) at over 60 speaking engagements.
Bryan is the Past President of the Oregon Professional Photographers Association and the elected PPA Councilor (2016-18) for the State of Oregon.

This workshop is PPA-accredited; PPA attendees who attend the entire session will receive one PPA merit.