Online Marketing: Tactics and Tools for Today

  • 09/15/2021
  • 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
  • Online - Link will be sent to registrants

Online Marketing: Tactics and tools for Today

Note: this is a PPA Workshop; it is not organized by OPPA.

It seems the only constant in online marketing is change. Tactics and services that worked a few years ago may have fizzled out, or they might even be harming your marketing efforts. With the internet being key to how we do business in 2021, this course will ensure you're up to speed with what's effective today so that you're best positioned for prosperity.

Our day will be broken into three parts.

The first is an overview of the online landscape and what's relevant right now based on how people connect. Using current information about the state of social media, SEO, email, video, blogs, and online advertising, we'll transition into the second portion of our day where we'll look at how to identify which tactics and tools will be optimal for photographers based on various business scenarios. As opposed to trial-and-error, successful photographers will approach their marketing with a plan. The third segment of this course will help attendees develop a plan bringing together current tactics with their own business goals.

Photographers will come away with actionable steps that should lead to business growth.

As a PPA workshop, PPA members will earn one service merit for attending the entire workshop.

Register at this Link on PPA.com

Questions?  Email the instructor

You'll Learn From...

Your instructor is Aaron Hockley, M.Photog.Cr., FP-OR, HFP-OR, also known as the Tech Photo Guy. He's been working at the intersection of photography and technology for almost 15 years and has helped numerous photographers grow their online presence.

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