The Keys to Real Estate Photography
With Lara Janzen
Do you want to learn what it takes to produce a high-quality real estate image? In this class you will learn the ins and outs of real estate photography. We will go over the gear you need, techniques that make for great real estate images, the various shot lists for every real estate photography client, and the editing process from basic to the more advanced. We will also cover drone photography for the Real Estate image market. This class is for those who have always wondered about Real Estate Photography and have a good understanding of their camera and their flash system.
Class Level: Intermediate to Advanced, All levels welcome.
- Shooting in manual mode.
- How to set the bracketing feature.
- Metering for Light and Dark exposures.
- Off camera and on camera flash.
- Using the virtual horizon or grid line options.
- Using a tripod and trigger.
Programs that will be mentioned:
Lightroom and Photoshop for editing the images with a Lightroom plugin called Enfuse. Also NIK filters in PS
Lightroom- will cover stacking images, adjusting WB, and then using HDR (basic), Enfuse (intermediate), and layer blending in PS with window pulls (advanced)

About your Speaker
Lara Janzen

Lara grew up in Calgary AB in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains. She always loved the outdoors and was thrilled when her dad gave her the first film camera with a fixed lens and manual everything so she could start taking photos of the area.
She spent her summers outdoors at a camp just a little NW of Calgary. Eventually her music studies took her to central Canada where one could see for miles due to lack of mountains to interrupt the view.
She taught choir and band for several years until her family moved to Oregon.
When her boys began playing hockey and she wanted to capture those precious moments, she soon realized that her little Panasonic point and shoot was not up to the task. She took the advise of a photographer friend and bought her first DLSR. Eventually saving to purchase nice fast glass like the 70-200mm/2.8. She has been in love with that lens ever since.
Lara taught music for several years, and after a eye-opening teaching experience, she decided another career was needed. After music soul-searching, she chose photography. She could work with great people, spend time outdoors and set her own schedule (Ha Ha).
She is now a Real Estate photographer/videographer and licensed drone pilot with headshots and portrait work on the side. Her love of nature includes her much-loved landscape work.