Professional, Personal, and Profitable Event Photography

  • 04/18/2020
  • 24


  • OPPA, ASMP, PPW and PPA Members
  • OPPA, ASMP, PPW and PPA Members
  • Guests and non-members
  • Guests and non-members


Professional, Personal, and Profitable Event Photography

with Aaron Hockley

Successful event photography involves much more than just showing up an event and taking snapshots what you happen to see.  If you're looking to incorporate event photography as one of your photography services, this workshop will teach you how to do so in a profitable manner that leads to repeat clients.

Like any genre of professional photography, the successful event photographer will understand what needs to happen before, during, and after the shoot in order to have a smooth experience both for themselves and the client.

In this workshop you'll learn:

  • What to include in your event photography contracts
  • An overview of pricing models and options
  • Thoughts on what gear to bring and how to carry it
  • During the event: where to be, when to be there, and how to interact with various participants (speakers, organizers, attendees)
  • How to edit and deliver your event images

In addition to classroom learning, attendees will spend time hands-on role playing various event photography scenarios; bring your camera and lenses.  If you have a speedlight, bring that as well.

We'll break for lunch mid-day; lunch is on your own and there are restaurants in the area.

This is a PPA Continuing Education System class; PPA members who attend the full workshop will receive one PPA merit.

Questions?  Contact Aaron.

About the Instructor

Aaron Hockley, M.Photog.Cr, FP-OR has been a professional event photographer for eleven years, having gotten his start with a variety of indie tech events in the Portland area.  His event experience ranges from small charity gatherings and startup launch parties to higher-profile events for clients such as Comcast, Amtrak, and Sports Illustrated.  Among photographers, Aaron has won many image awards including multiple PPA Loan Collection images, Third Place for Illustrative/Commercial images at PPA's Grand Imaging Awards, and a finalist in the World Photographic Cup.  He'll bring his event experience coupled with award-winning image-making knowledge to help you on the path to successful event photo work that results in happy clients and a profitable business.

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