In Search of the 12 Elements

  • 07/13/2019
  • 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM
  • ProPhoto Supply
  • 9


  • OPPA, PPA and ASMP members

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In Search of the 12 Elements

A Photographic Scavenger Hunt

One of the keys to mastering image competition is to have a firm understanding of the 12 Elements of a Merit Image. In this workshop we will begin in the classroom by exploring the 12 Elements and how they impact competition images. Then we will hit the streets of the Portland Pearl District for a scavenger hunt for each of the elements to find them in their natural habitat. After everyone has had a chance to find his or her own version of the elements, we will reconvene in the classroom to compare, collect and discuss what we found. By the end of the day we will have compiled a collection of the best examples of the 12 Elements from our exploration and raised your awareness of how they can be found in the world around us.

Attendees should bring a camera, laptop if they have one, and a card reader. Lunch on your own while we are walking the Pearl.


Mark Fitzgerald
M.Photog., Cr, FP-OR


Mark Fitzgerald is a photographer, educator, and author based in Portland. Mark is a PPA Master Craftsman Photographer and an Adobe Certified Expert. He is a past president of OPPA and PMPA.


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