Oregon Photography Expo

  • 11/12/2015
  • 6:00 PM
  • 11/14/2015
  • 5:00 PM
  • TaborSpace, 5441 SE Belmont St, Portland 97215


(depends on selected options)

Base fee:
  • If you'd like a swap meet table but will not attend any other parts of the event.

    Room available at 4pm
    Setup must begin by 5pm end by 6pm
    Swap meet from 6pm to 9pm

Registration is closed

Oregon Photography Expo

November 12 - 14, 2015

Mark Your calendars for the second annual Oregon Photography Expo.

We'll be featuring multiple photo education workshops, the annual OPPA Open Image Competition, Sponsor door prizes and more!

Want to help out?  Volunteers needed!


Thursday November 12th

6pm - 9pm

Reception and SWAP meet

in the Annex

Free Admission - Open to the Public

6ft SWAP meet table: $20

Reception: Ice Cream sundae Bar with all the toppings!  Plus fresh fruit.

Swap meet registration note: No registration is needed to attend the swap meet.  If you'd like to sell gear at the swap meet, you can add this $20 option along with your member or nonmember registration, or you can register for only the $20 swap meet table if you won't be attending any other parts of the expo event.

Questions?? Contact Julia at 971-533-1294.


Friday November 13th

9am - 5pm

Muir Hall

OPPA Annual Open Image Competition & Club 79 

register via PrintCompetition.com

Deadline for entries - Midnight Tuesday Nov 10th

Image Competition Jurors:

Bryan Welsh - Jury Chairman

Randy McNeilly

Pete Wright

Vern Bartley

Lisa Dillon

Sam Tarrel

Julia Kelleher

Club 79 Hosts:

(Dining Room)

Mark Fitzgerald & Aaron Hockley


Friday November 13th
6pm - 8pm
(Dining Room)
Expo Ticket required

Roundtable discussions

Julia Fitzgerald - Taxes & Bookkeeping

Derrik Ollar - Framing

Tom Hassler - Big picture Small Camera's


Saturday November 14th

from 9am - 5pm


Expo Ticket required


Randy McNeilly, M. Photog, Cr., MA, F-ASP, CPP


Pete Wright, M. Photog. Cr., FP


"Standing Out from the Crowd"


9am-12pm - Randy McNeilly-Part 1-A Renaissance in Portrait Photography 

12pm-1pm - Lunch provided per registration ticket

1pm-1:30pm - Image Critique

1:30pm-5pm - Pete Wright-Part 2-Separation Anxiety

Workshop Descriptions

A Renaissance in Portrait Photography

The last decade has been a trying time for most professional photographers. 

Randy, along with many of you, reacted by trying to emulate the new photographer’s coming into the market. Thy brought with them a more causal “lifestyle” form of location portraiture at a very low price.  Randy was now competing with these dozens of new photographers all with a similar product.  What a disaster.   This was a price war he could not win. He will be sharing the journey that put him back on track artistically and the studio back on track financially.

The renaissance came a couple years ago when Randy realized that to survive he must get back to what had made him the award winning photographer he had worked so hard to become. Art exaggerates.  Our art as portrait photographers is no exception.  It takes great studio quality lighting, quality imaging and the artist eye to conceptualize the shot before the camera is aimed.  “Great photographs are made not taken.” Said Randy.  McNeilly photography is positioned to become as different to the competition as possible, from studio policies,  marketing and the in-house production of all images.   The craft of fine art printmaking sets Randy apart as an artist and is the perfect reason to not sell his work digitally. “I want to do everything my competition is not. ” Said Randy. “The preparation of the file is the score and the printing of the image is the performance.”

Pop Art is like fashion, it changes quickly.   Fine Art is timeless.  Join us in the Renaissance of Portraiture where craftsmanship, technique and estates are valued tools in the creative process.

Separation Anxiety
Workshop Sponsored by

In a time when the photography industry is growing exponentially, it is more crucial than ever to stand out in the crowd. Clients are presented with so many options when selecting photographers to capture their wedding and often choose the ones whom they connect with the most and have the best memory of. The key is figuring out ways to make sure they remember you and not the hundreds of other photographers that they come across in their search. 

Pete Wright of PW Photography has mastered the art of standing out in a crowd and targeting his specific client. Join Pete as he takes the anxiety out of finding separation between you and your competition and shows you everything you need to do to make sure that next big wedding has you at the top of their list.

About the Speakers

Randy McNeilly, MPhotog, Cr., MA, F-ASP, CPP

“Even though I have been a full time professional photographer for more than 35 years, I am still an amateur in the truest sense of the word.” says Randy McNeilly.

While 99% of his work is commissioned, Randy’s passion and creativity comes in the telling of the client’s story.  He attributes this love of story telling to the traditions of his Appalachian childhood.

Growing up in rural Western North Carolina, Randy credits his career in photography to a chance encounter in high school, when he was captivated by the work of Andrew Wyeth. This led him to study art at Western Carolina University where he discovered photography.

After a series of apprenticeships, Randy started his own studio in 1979, specializing in commercial photography. Much to his surprise, he found that he preferred assignments involving people and began accepting portrait commissions.  Today he presides over an operation that has expanded to include not only his photography but also that of associates, as well as an art gallery with a custom frame shop and an oil portrait artist.  McNeilly Photography and Frame Masters Gallery prides itself on being a completely self-contained studio.  Every task from image editing, printing, canvas stretching, framing to graphic design is performed in-house.

In 1992 Randy earned his Masters degree in Photography.  That same year he was one of the first in the Southeastern USA to introduce electronic imaging.

Other achievements earned by Randy include, Judge and Jury Chairman for photographic print competitions worldwide. He currently serves as Chairman of Professional Photographers of America Photographic Exhibition Committee.  In 2009 Randy became the 100th photographer in the world to receive the Fellowship Degree from the American Society of Photographers.  In 2012 he received a lifetime appointment into Camera Craftsman, one of the most highly respected independent photography organizations in the world.

Much of Randy’s time today is spent working in the world of PPA’s International Photographic Competition.  In addition to being a Judge and a Jury Chairman, he is currently serving as Chair of the  International Photographic Competition Committee.


Pete Wright, MPhotog. Cr., FP - 

Pete Wright is an international award-winning Master Photographer and writer based out of Sarasota, Florida. In his 18 years in business, he has photographed everything from professional sports to wedding, to portraits. Through his experience growing up in the darkroom assisting and learning from his father, he truly fell in love with black and white photography. This ultimately led to his passion for recreating timeless Film Noir style portraits as an homage to his favorite photographer, Goerge Hurrell.

In 2014, Pete's work was recognized with Best in Show honors in both Virginia and Southeast PPA (SEPPA), multiple category First Place Awards in Virginia, SEPPA and North Carolina as well as a 3rd place PPA Grand Imaging Award.

Pete has been lecturing around the world since 2005 in both platform and hands-on environments. He has spoken at Imaging USA and WPPI. He has also taught around the US at other workshops such as After Dark, PSD Experience and various other state and regional conventions. Additionally, Pete has lectured in the Philippines, Grand Cayman, Bermuda and Jamaica and is scheduled to speak in 2016 at SWPP in London, England.

This class is PPA-accredited; PPA members who attend the full workshop will receive one PPA merit.

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